Jiwoo Kim

I am an ECE Ph.D. student at Duke University, advised by Prof. Miroslav Pajic. Previously, I obtained my EEE B.S. at Yonsei University, Republic of Korea, where I was fortunate to be advised by Prof. Jongeun Choi. I am interested in Robotics, Reinforcement Learning, and Geometric Deep Learning.

The objective of my research is to develop models capable of performing multimodal tasks in dynamic environments. During my B.S., I explored the integration of equivariance and representation theory in robotic manipulation. I’m passionate about bringing these innovations to life through real-world robotic applications.

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  • [Apr. 2024] I will start my ECE Ph.D. at Duke, beginning Fall 2024.
  • [Apr. 2024] Our paper "Diffusion-EDFs: Bi-equivariant Denoising Generative Modeling on SE(3) for Visual Robotic Manipulation" has been selected as a Highlight (11.9% of accepted papers) at CVPR 2024.
  • [Jul. 2023] We won the Best Paper Award in Workshop on Symmetries in Robot Learning at RSS 2023.
  • [Jun. 2023] Our paper "Robotic Manipulation Learning with Equivariant Descriptor Fields: Generative Modeling, Bi-equivariance, Steerability, and Locality" has been accepted to a RSS Workshop on Symmetries in Robot Learning 2023 (Oral).
Publications ( * : indicates equal contribution)
Diffusion-EDFs: Bi-equivariant Denoising Generative Modeling on SE(3) for Visual Robotic Manipulation
Hyunwoo Ryu, Jiwoo Kim, Junwoo Chang, Hyun Seok Ahn, Taehan Kim, Yubin Kim, Joohwan Seo, Jongeun Choi, Roberto Horowitz
CVPR, 2024
Highlight (11.9% of accepted papers)
Project Page / Arxiv / Code

We present Diffusion-EDFs, a novel approach that incorporates spatial roto-translation equivariance, i.e., SE(3)-equivariance to diffusion generative modeling.

Denoising Heat-inspired Diffusion with Insulators for Collision Free Motion Planning
Junwoo Chang*, Hyunwoo Ryu*, Jiwoo Kim, Soochul Yoo, Joohwan Seo, Nikhil Prakash, Jongeun Choi, Roberto Horowitz
Neurips Workshop on Diffusion Models, 2023
Project Page / Arxiv

We present a method that, during inference time, simultaneously generates only reachable goals and plans motions that avoid obstacles, all from a single visual input.

Robotic Manipulation Learning with Equivariant Descriptor Fields: Generative Modeling, Bi-equivariance, Steerability, and Locality
Jiwoo Kim*, Hyunwoo Ryu*, Jongeun Choi, Joohwan Seo, Nikhil Prakash, Ruolin Li, Roberto Horowitz
RSS Workshop on Symmetries in Robot Learning, 2023
Oral, Best Paper Award

We introduce the recently proposed Equivariant Descriptor Fields (EDFs), focusing on the four key model properties: generative modeling, bi-equivariance, steerable representation, and locality.


Diffusion-EDF real world experiment with Panda
The 5th Yonsei University Mechanical Engineering Graduate Student Academic Conference, 2023
Best Demo Presentation
